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Brussels British Community Association

Scottish and Irish musical heritage - a tribute to traditional music on 1 February

12 Jan 2024 10:17 AM | Tim Reynolds (Administrator)

On 1 February the Irish and UK groups of the Femmes d’ Europe association are pleased to invite you to a concert of traditional Irish and Scottish music. Both Ireland and Scotland share an impressive musical heritage and composers like Beethoven, Haydn and many others have recognized its beauty.

Two well-known Scottish artists will be playing for Femmes d’ Europe on 1 February. They are:

  • Muriel Johnstone, one of the leading pianists and composers on the Scottish dance music scene. She started learning the piano at the age of seven and the violin at the age of eight. Qualified in the study of classical music (BMus and LRAM from Edinburgh University), and adept in various Scottish idioms, Muriel has performed and taught all over the world. She has become sought after as a performer, bringing into prominence the piano in traditional music. She has composed over 1,000 tunes and for many years was the Musical Director for the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
  • Ian Robertson, a highly experienced, multi-instrumentalist on the Scottish dance music scene. He plays the accordion, the fiddle and the piano. In Brussels Ian will accompany Muriel on the fiddle. Ian comes from a family steeped in Scottish music. His great-grandmother was a fine pianist who is known to have accompanied fiddler and composer James Scott Skinner in the late 1800s. A full-time musician, Ian is in great demand for functions and events all over the world. He is also an accomplished composer.

The concert will commence at 8pm at the Protestant Church of Brussels, 2 Place du Musee, 1000 Brussels. Guests will be treated to mulled wine prior to the start of the concert accompanied by piper Anthony Orr. The cost of participation is €35 with proceeds from the concert going to support the association's various humanitarian projects. To purchase tickets either click here or scan the QR code on the image below.

The Association Femmes d’Europe thanks the Scottish Government and the Irish Embassy in Brussels for their generous support for this concert.

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